Wednesday 24 March 2010

Crit Feedback.

  • Perhaps extend the brief and consider doing a series of stamps for different book titles.
  • Consider paper stocks for the envelope that holds the stamps.
  • Change the shape of the overall stamp, does it have to be square???
Puffin Books:
  • Consider making the box more subtle in terms of design/stock and process.
  • Check the layouts of the book covers so that there all the same.
  • is the coloured background on the promo poster too strong???
  • try other methods of displaying the books on the promo posters by making them larger or maybe photographing them.
  • Bookmarks: simplify these down to just using an image from the book cover or the whole image. More colour needed as well, consider having a full block of colour on the reverse of the bookmark.
  • Quotes are too long for some of the bookmarks.

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