Friday, 26 March 2010

Fairfax Singers feedback.

These were the selected logos that were chosen from my presentation boards. However the feedback was that could they use the logo on the far right with the coloured squares mixed with the logo on the far right. So I'm experimenting with that at the moment with varying results.

The client also presented a new idea which includes more music related imagery, however this is not what they asked for in the intial talk I had with them. So it seems they have had a change in direction but that's OK I have time to change things in time for their deadline.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Crit Feedback.

  • Perhaps extend the brief and consider doing a series of stamps for different book titles.
  • Consider paper stocks for the envelope that holds the stamps.
  • Change the shape of the overall stamp, does it have to be square???
Puffin Books:
  • Consider making the box more subtle in terms of design/stock and process.
  • Check the layouts of the book covers so that there all the same.
  • is the coloured background on the promo poster too strong???
  • try other methods of displaying the books on the promo posters by making them larger or maybe photographing them.
  • Bookmarks: simplify these down to just using an image from the book cover or the whole image. More colour needed as well, consider having a full block of colour on the reverse of the bookmark.
  • Quotes are too long for some of the bookmarks.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Stamp Packs

First Day Cover Mock Up.

These are the mock ups for the fist day cover, just printed on to a plain white stock at the moment need to experiment with others before I make the final decision.

Stamps presentation pack.

This is a mock up I made for the crit to show how it would look...

1st Class Stamp Booklets.

These are the layouts for the stamp booklets. I've had to change the format slightly as the stamps I have designed which are 35mm x 35mm the booklet needs to be larger than a normal 1st class stamp booklet. As the stamps I have designed are the special edition size that is used for all the commemorative and anniversary stamps.

I think the colours I have chosen work well as a set, now these just need to be mocked up and then printed accordingly using the correct stock.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Promo posters for the whole range of books:

Within this series of posters I have included all the books, instead of just a poster for each book. This works well for a general poster for the use instore to promote the series of books or point of sale banners. This poster would also work quite well in a window display as Waterstones tend to have 3 posters and actual books in their displays.


This is a series of bookmarks that I have created as a promotional device to go along side the puffin classics collection book series.

I've kept the bookmarks to a similar layout to the books using the same imagery and body copy, but highlighting a quote from each book aswell. These designs works as a whole but I think they could be more limited edition, for example using processes such as heat foiling/embossing/die cutting just to make them a bit more collectable.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Quote Stamps.

This series of stamps uses only quotes from the book and no image.I'm not sure this is really working perhaps I should consider using different fonts for each stamp.

First Day Cover for Alice Stamps.

Alice presentation pack for stamps.

This is the presentation pack that will hold the alice in wonderland themed stamps. It will include a separate single sheet in which the stamps will be attached too.

Within the pack there is a brief explanation of the image on each stamp giving details about the characters from the book. There's also a brief overview of the whole alice in wonderland book itself to make the audience aware of the story behind the images.

This is just a mock up to see what it would look like as a whole but I think I need to find different images to use on the stamps.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Promo Posters for book series.

Using the same colour palette as the books I have created a promotional poster for each book. Colour wise that have impact but I'm not sure that the overall design is working?!?!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Paper Stock Test.

These covers have been printed on to a double sided newsprint, which is a slightly heavier paper stock than the stock I have used previously. I think it works well used as a book jacket as its thicker and will with stand more wear and tear. It also has a slightly off white colour which I feel works well with the colours on the book jackets itself. However with this stock been matte it wouldn't be very resistant to wear and tear so it would also have to be laminated or perhaps consider to use a coated stock as opposed to a uncoated one. For example a satin stock may overcome this problem?!?

Mock Up Box Set.

This is just a test to try out designs and sizes for the box set to hold at the books. With the books having such full colour spines I didn't want to over complicate the overall design with more colours, so I chose to keep the box design quite simple and limited in colour so that the book stand out more this way. I feel that overall the black complements the colours and but maybe there could be some image included within the overall design?!?

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Full Colour Series.

Quick chat...

After having a brief chat with Joe about my book cover series he suggested to extend my book jackets and create extra tabs to the side to include information about the author. This is something that I've taken on board and added to my cover, at the moment I'm not sure they work with all the book designs and whether a younger reader would want to read about the author of the book.But I've given it ago and the results are seen above.

Box Net Designs...

These are some of the box designs for my book series, as the book spines are so colourful I'm making sure not to over complicate the box with more colours as this many detract from the books itself. So I'm focusing on just using black as a main colour and keeping the layout and type to minimum. I feel that the design on the far right is working the best as its simple and to the point. Perhaps i could use the icons on the book spines somewhere in the overall design though?!?!

Series 2.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Series 1

With this series I've kept the colour down to a minimum and only highlighting certain areas of the books. I feel that some of the covers work better than others so I think I need to work on some a bit more. But I am happy with the overall layout, but there are a few layout mistakes that need taking care of first.

Wizard of Oz cover.

I've been struggling to find images to use for this book cover as all the imagery is really obvious or been done before. So I've tried to be more subtle with this one and used the image of poppies now if you know the story you will understand (the witch casts a spell on the poppies to make Dorothy fall asleep) but I think that the audience I am targeting with this book series would understand it.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Box Set.

this is my first initial idea for the design of the sleeve to hold all the books. I want to make the cover as bold as possible so that it has impact on the shelf. I quite like the bands of colours around the box but this could be too much colour as the spines of the books are coloured too, but I'm still going to test out this design first though.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Final layout for alice...

Final Secret Garden Layout...

Decision Time for Treasure Island Layout...

For the final layout I've decided to use a clearer font (as suggested in the crit) as before it didn't really fit with the themes of the books. I thought I serif font thats bold and therefore creates more impact. I'm also going to look into spot varnishes especially to highlight the title and the authors name (as this is a process thats used alot in book cover design) Now I just need to finalise the stock I will print onto and finalise the other book covers, as there are now slight changes to the overall layout and composition of the covers. The book covers also need colour adding to them as well, as I'm looking at using spot colours and a limited colour palette.

Treasure Island Devel...

Treasure Island Images...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Just so devel...

For the front cover of this book I've been focusing on the story of how the leopard gained his spots. But this might be over kill with the leopard print?!?! Im thinking of foiling the print in gold and printing it on to a cream colour plan stock.

English Proverbs devel...

Alice Stamps

For my stamp brief I have decided to go with the theme of alice in wonderland to con inside with the release of the new film I think that there would be an audience who would buy the stamps with an alice theme.

Above are my first ideas for the stamps keeping everything really bold and colourful. I think that as a stamp these would work well as the design are really clear which would help with the stamps been on such a small scale.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Stamp Sizes.

The stamp above is showing the two alternative positions that the Queen's head can take, together with the alternative positions that the first class value can take as well.
The stamp outline above is to show an outline with the Queen's head and first class value as an example format.

And the stamp outline below is just of the standard portrait size of 27mm x 37mm

Stamp Booklet Layout.

These are the measurements that I need to work to when producing my stamp book editions to be sold as a set of 6 stamps of all the same designs.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Crit Feedback:

Classics Book Range:
  • body copy on the reverse of the book experiment with other fonts as some of its hard to read.
  • Try a serif font for the front cover and spine of the books, as this needs to be a bit clearer.
  • That I should keep the icons on the spines of the books as they are in keeping with the theme and appear more as a complete set. (no need to number the books)
  • Layout on the reverse of the books needs to be looked at in particular the drop caps.
  • look at different stocks for the whole book cover.
Fairfax Logos:
  • could extend this to propose a website layout for them.
  • try different stocks for stationary.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Business card and letterhead mock up's:

Here is just a mock up of a business card and letterhead for the client to view as an example of how the logo could be used.

Logo Presentation Boards.

These are the boards that I had printed to give to the client, I also mocked up a business card and letterhead as well just an example.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Box Set of Books Mock Up:

This is just a mock up of the packaging for the book series as they are going to be produced as a box set.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Book Jacket Mock Ups:

Here are just two of the books from the classics range that I'm producing the covers for and I've printed the designs on to a 90gsm plain white paper just as a mock up. For now I feel the designs are working as a whole but they definitely need colour adding to them.